
A curious thought ran through my head today as I glanced at an image of Bea Arthur: who does the “OH REALLY?” face to better effect? Cindy McCain or Dorothy Zbornack? Cindy was the previous champion, but next to Dorothy, she looks almost pleasant. Then again, that glimmer of a smile also suggests a deep, icy evilness whereas Dorothy’s just looks pissed.

17 replies on “OPEN POLL: Who Intimidates Better?”

  1. Cindy McCain looks like she could really kill someone and then go back to cooking dinner and popping percocet.

  2. RWD – that’s more of a “Whatchu talkin’ about Willis?” look that an “OH REALLY?” in my humble opinion.
    Still certainly worth checking out though.

  3. Bea/Dorothy. No doubt. She is the best ‘oh really’ without words.
    “Don’cha wish your girlfriend was hot like Bea?”…..”Don’cha” (awful, but I had to write that..)

  4. I remember Tabby Lavalamp had this cool avatar where Phil Keoghan was shooting lasers out of his eyes. Between the pictures above, I can totally see Cindy McCain having the same laser effect. Dorothy, not so much.

  5. When I saw Bea on your FB this morning, I so thought that she had the better expression than Cindy.
    Dorothy Zbornack wins for me 🙂

  6. Cindy all the way. Dorothy’s more of a like, disapproving Grandma.
    Cindy looks like she can see right through you and you can’t hide a thing.

  7. Dorothy not only wins the death stare contest but with her size and strength she could snap the Cindy like a twig.
    Cindy sucks Republican balls. Literally.!!

  8. Dorothy for the “oh really”. It’s way more judge-y.
    Cindy is more of a “just wait, I’ll get my revenge soon enough” smug smile.
    Both do have a touch of evil in them though.

  9. Since I watch “Golden Girls” re-runs every day, I’m going to have to go with Dorothy.
    Besides, I have a feeling that her “Oh, really?” comes with a snap of the fingers and some Sicilian henchmen ready to do her bidding.

  10. For sure….DOROTHY!!!
    She can bring the strongest person down with just two words:

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