
Exciting news! Podcasting has finally arrived at B-Side Blog! I teamed up with my fellow blogosphere pal Lisa Timmons to record our first ever episode, simply titled “Banter with Ben and Lisa.” We talk about a multitude of things: The Real Housewives of New York City, January Jones, Heidi Montag, local Los Angeles restaurant Wurstküche, and camping (among other things).

We had a blast doing this, and hopefully our first foray into this will be as fun for you as it was for us. Look for more to come in the future, and in the meantime, be sure to subscribe to the podcast feed: https://bsideblog.com/podcast!

12 replies on “B-Side Blog’s First Podcast!”

  1. This was awesome. I was cracking up the whole time!!!!!!!! What a nice way to feel like you’re “joining in” on the conversation. More, please!

  2. LOL! Fun! Now let’s have live video with it. I’m sure you could set it up on USTREAM.

  3. Loved it! So funny. Make it a video blog would be fantastic. Would love to see shots of the police in the streets.

  4. Yeah, Ben…make it a full Video thing next time. And not once while listening to you did I want to say “ZIP IT.”

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